צבירי נתונים
National Land Cover Database for American Indian Lands
Includes data from the 2001, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2016, and 2019 National Land Cover Database summarized for each Indian land area in the Coterminous United States as... -
Cropland Data Layer for Native Lands in the Coterminous United States
This dataset, developed by the Native Lands Advocacy Project summarizes data from the USDA Cropland Data Layer for 552 unique native land areas in the coterminous United States.... -
Pine Ridge Allottee Land Planning Map Book
Download the Pine Ridge Allottee Land Planning Map Book developed in 2008 with support from the Indian Land Tenure Foundation as a planning tool for native land owners on the... -
2019 BIA Recognized Tribal Land Ownership by Reservation, State, County
This data includes 2019 land area totals from the US Bureau of Indian Affairs for 491 native lands and off-reservation trust lands. The data includes acreage totals for Fee,... -
Kappler's Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties Compiled and Edited by Charles J....
Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler, this historically significant, seven volume compilation contains U.S. treaties, laws and executive orders pertaining to Native... -
Tract Record from Army Service Forces Office of the Chief of Engineers Real E...
Document contains information about lands seized by the Army for a Gunnery Range on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Date includes Tract Number, Landowner Name, Acreage,... -
General Summary of Indian Land Acquisitions (1942)
Provides summary of total land acquisitions through Indian Reorganization Act, Purchased with Tribal Funds, Submarginal land acquisition where lands have been placed under the... -
ORDER NO. 3335 Reaffirmation of the Federal Trust Responsibility to Federally...
This order is issued by the United States Department of Interior pursuant to the U.S. Constitution, treaties, statutes, Executive Orders, and other Federal laws that form the... -
Map of Bennett County, South Dakota, Compiled under the supervision of Charle...
This is is a georeferenced map of allotments and fee lands compiled under the supervision of Charles Ash Bates, U.S. Surveyor from 1911. The map was produced to advertise lands... -
Indian Land Cessions in the United States, 1784-1897
United States Serial Set Number 4015 contains the second part of the two-part Eighteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian... -
Bureau of Indian Affairs Land Area Representations
The US Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Trust Services (OTS), Division of Land Titles and Records (DLTR), Branch of Geospatial Support (BOGS) provides Geographic Information... -
Indian Land Areas Judicially Established
The map portrays the results of cases before the 1978 Indian Claims Commission in which an Indian tribe proved its original tirbal occupancy of a tract within the continental... -
US Census Tiger American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) Areas ...
The American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) Areas Shapefile includes the following legal entities: federally recognized American Indian reservations and... -
Coverage of Data Discovered by NLAP on Native Land Areas and Leasing
This data coverage chart displays the years of data acquired by the Native Lands Advocacy Project as part of an exhaustive search of libraries, government publications, the... -
Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Provides detailed information relating to the implementation of United States colonial policy on Native Lands including demographics, land data, health, education, crime,... -
Executive Orders Relating to Indian Reservations from May 14, 1855 To JULY 1,...
COMPILED BY THE INDIAN OFFICE UNDER AUTHORITY OF ACT OF CONGRESS APPROVED MAY 17,1882. (22 STATS., p.88.) list executive orders by State and Reservation. -
General Data Concerning Indian Reservations
This report from the US Department of Interior lists the treaties, laws, or other authorities relating to Native American Reservations in the United States. This report... -
SSURGO Soil Data for CONUS Native Lands
This dataset created by the Native Lands Advocacy Project contains spatial and tabular data derived from the NRCS's 2020 national SSURGO soils database and has been formatted to... -
Final Report of the American Indian Policy Review Commission (May 1977)
"This final report of the American Indian Policy Review Commission represents 2 years of intensive investigative work encompassing the entire field of Federal-Indian relations.... -
Indian Land Transactions 1948-1957
"An analysis of the problems and effects of our diminishing Indian land base 1948-1957." Contains self-reported land transactions from a number of Native American Reservations... -
Indian Land Tenure, Economic Status, and Population Trends: Part 10 of the Re...
This report published in 1935 is one of the most comprehensive sources of data on the allotment era with data and statistics on land loss, forced fee patenting, allotment,... -
Annual Report of Indian Lands and income from Surface and Subsurface Leasing
This report published by the Bureau of Indian Affairs office of Trust Responsibility contains acreage totals for US native lands broken down by tribal, individual, and... -
2009 Program Evaluation of the BIA Realty and Trust Program
Based on its 2006 review, OMB made one recommendation realted to performace measures and two recommendations on performance budgets. Objectives were to determine what progress... -
USDA Census of Agriculture for American Indian Reservations
This dataset includes data from the 2012 and 2017 USDA Census of Agriculture for American Indian Reservations combined into a single flatfile spreadsheet. The 2012 data was...