- לטעון פחות
David Bartecchi הוסיף את המשאב XYZ web tile service לדאטה סט Map of Bennett County, South Dakota, Compiled under the supervision of Charles Ash Bates, U.S. Surveyor
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David Bartecchi הוסיף את התג Pine Ridge Reservation לדאטה סט Map of Bennett County, South Dakota, Compiled under the supervision of Charles Ash Bates, U.S. Surveyor
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David Bartecchi עדכן את הדאטה סט Indian Land Cessions in the United States, 1784-1897
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David Bartecchi עדכן את הדאטה סט Indian Land Cessions in the United States, 1784-1894
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David Bartecchi עדכן את המשאב 2018 BIA National Native Land Area Representations בדאטה סט Bureau of Indian Affairs Land Area Representations
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David Bartecchi עדכן את המשאב 2018 BIA American Indian Alaskan Native Supplemental Areas בדאטה סט Bureau of Indian Affairs Land Area Representations
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David Bartecchi עדכן את הדאטה סט Bureau of Indian Affairs Land Area Representations
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David Bartecchi הוסיף את המשאב BIA Indian Land Areas Map לדאטה סט Bureau of Indian Affairs Land Area Representations
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David Bartecchi עדכן את המשאב BIA National Native Land Area Representations בדאטה סט Bureau of Indian Affairs Land Area Representations
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David Bartecchi עדכן את הדאטה סט Bureau of Indian Affairs Land Area Representations
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David Bartecchi עדכן את הדאטה סט Bureau of Indian Affairs Land Area Representations
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David Bartecchi עדכן את הדאטה סט Bureau of Indian Affairs Land Area Representations
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David Bartecchi הוסיף את המשאב BIA Tribal Statistical Areas לדאטה סט Bureau of Indian Affairs Land Area Representations
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David Bartecchi יצר את הדאטה סט Bureau of Indian Affairs Land Area Representations
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David Bartecchi הוסיף את המשאב Indian Claims Commission Final Report לדאטה סט Indian Land Areas Judicially Established
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David Bartecchi עדכן את הדאטה סט Indian Land Areas Judicially Established
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David Bartecchi עדכן את הדאטה סט Judicially Established Indian Areas
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David Bartecchi הוסיף את המשאב Indian Land Areas Judicially Established לדאטה סט Judicially Established Indian Areas
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David Bartecchi יצר את הדאטה סט Judicially Established Indian Areas
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David Bartecchi הוסיף את המשאב 2018 TIGER/Line Shapefile, U.S., Current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Areas National (AIANNH) National לדאטה סט US Census Tiger American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) Areas Shapefile
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David Bartecchi עדכן את המשאב 2019 TIGER/Line Shapefile, U.S., Current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Areas National (AIANNH) National בדאטה סט US Census Tiger American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) Areas Shapefile
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David Bartecchi הוסיף את המשאב 2019 TIGER/Line Shapefile, U.S., Current American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Areas National (AIANNH) National לדאטה סט US Census Tiger American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) Areas Shapefile
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David Bartecchi יצר את הדאטה סט US Census Tiger American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) Areas Shapefile
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David Bartecchi יצר את הדאטה סט Tiger Boundary Data for American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Areas National (AIANNH) National
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David Bartecchi יצר את הדאטה סט 2019 Census Tiger Boundary Data for American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) Areas
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David Bartecchi עדכן את המשאב Chart displaying the coverage for data on native land areas and leasing בדאטה סט Coverage of Data Discovered by NLAP on Native Land Areas and Leasing
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David Bartecchi עדכן את הדאטה סט Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs
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David Bartecchi עדכן את הדאטה סט Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs
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David Bartecchi עדכן את הדאטה סט Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs
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David Bartecchi הוסיף את המשאב 1919 Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs לדאטה סט Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs
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- העלה עוד