Bureau of Indian Affairs Land Area Representations

The US Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Trust Services (OTS), Division of Land Titles and Records (DLTR), Branch of Geospatial Support (BOGS) provides Geographic Information Systems (GIS) support for the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), tribes, and other agencies. BOGS is pleased to announce a new Land Area Representation (LAR) which is a new GIS dataset that illustrates land areas for Federally-recognized tribes. (Currently, there are 573 Federallyrecognized American Indian tribes and Alaska Native entities.) The BIA annually publishes a list of Federally-recognized tribes in the Federal Register. The BIA maintains the LAR dataset as part of the DLTR function. The LAR dataset is the BIA’s official geospatial representation of Federal Indian land areas. It is used in its systems of records. The BIA LAR dataset’s spatial accuracy and attribute information is continuously being updated, improved, and used as the single authoritative land area data for the BIA’s mission. Since the LAR dataset was prepared for public release, it can be used by various organizations, agencies, units of government (i.e. Federal, state, county, and city), and other entities according to the restrictions on appropriate use which can be found in the metadata.

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Fuente https://biamaps.doi.gov/bogs/datadownload.html
Última actualización 20 Julio, 2020, 21:12 (UTC)
Creado 20 Julio, 2020, 21:07 (UTC)
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