Annual Report of Indian Lands and income from Surface and Subsurface Leasing

This report published by the Bureau of Indian Affairs office of Trust Responsibility contains acreage totals for US native lands broken down by tribal, individual, and government and summarized at the reservation, agency, state and county levels. The reports for 1966, 1978, 1982, 1983, 1984 and 1985 also includes acreage and income for surface and subsurface leases on US native lands broken down by agriculture, business and mineral leases.

These reports were compiled by the Native Lands Advocacy Project after an extensive search of academic libraries, the Library of Congress, and the National Archives. In 2018 the NLAP submitted a FOIA request to the Bureau of Indian Affairs requesting copies for missing years and received the following response. "We cannot comply with the part of your request for annual reports entitled, Annual Report of Indian Land and Income, Surface and Subsurface Leases, dating back to 1934, or any previous years. We have thoroughly searched our records and have not been able to locate annual reports which may have been prepared in previous years, such as from 1934 forward. All of the annual reports were prepared manually, not generated from a data system; the annual reports are no longer prepared by the BIA."

The native lands advocacy project manually transcribed each report into the included spreadsheet to facilitate data discovery and analysis.

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Υπεύθυνος Συντήρησης David Bartecchi
Τελευταία ενημέρωση 15 Μάιος, 2020, 21:31 (UTC)
Δημιουργήθηκε 15 Μάιος, 2020, 20:40 (UTC)
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