Bureau of Indian Affairs FOIA response.pdf

URL: https://data.nativeland.info/dataset/0fb7cf2d-b2f9-4c22-89d7-1db8ea78c143/resource/6bac1403-e7a7-4ea1-b945-70a5645e42eb/download/2c-bartecchi-final-response.pdf

Notable excerpts:

"After a thorough search of our files, it has been determined that the Office of Land Title and Records (LTRO) has no records responsive to your request pertaining to Land Status Maps described in 25 CFR 150.9 for all lands in the United States managed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) in ESRI Shapefile format. See 43 C.F.R. §§ 2.23, .24"

"We cannot comply with the part of your request for annual reports entitled, Annual Report of Indian Land and Income, Surface and Subsurface Leases, dating back to 1934, or any previous years. We have thoroughly searched our records and have not been able to locate annual reports which may have been prepared in previous years, such as from 1934 forward. All of the annual reports were prepared manually, not generated from a data system; the annual reports are no longer prepared by the BIA"

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Daten wurden zuletzt aktualisiert 15. Mai 2020
Metadaten zuletzt aktualisiert 15. Mai 2020
Erstellt 15. Mai 2020
Format application/pdf
Lizenz Other (Public Domain)
createdvor über 4 Jahren
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package id0fb7cf2d-b2f9-4c22-89d7-1db8ea78c143
revision idb4251820-e161-4c07-b65d-122be0a0fcfd
size248,1 KiB
url typeupload