Native Food Sovereignty Index: key data

This folder is a repository for the key csv output datasets for all indicators included in the Native Food Sovereignty Index. The datasets uploaded here are the raw csv outputs of each individual indicator after transformation from original source data and prior to standardization and aggregation into the Native Food Sovereignty Index (NFSI 2020).

These datasets are provided for transparency purposes and can be used under creative commons license. They nonetheless result from unique calculations initiated by Village Earth. Please cite appropriately: Village Earth, 2020. Native Food Sovereignty Index: key data.

Data a zdroje

Doplňující informace

Pole Hodnota
Autor Aude Chesnais
Správce Aude Chesnais
Naposledy aktualizováno 17 Srpen 2020, 11:52 (UTC)
Vytvořeno 13 Květen 2020, 20:56 (UTC)
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