TileJSON of Batesland Bennett County Map

URL: http://wmts.maptiler.com/aHR0cHM6Ly9ubGlzLXRpbGVzLnMzLnVzLWVhc3QtMi5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL0JhdGVzK0Jlbm5ldHQrQ291bnR5K01hcC9tZXRhZGF0YS5qc29u/json

Dal riassunto del dataset

This is is a georeferenced map of allotments and fee lands compiled under the supervision of Charles Ash Bates, U.S. Surveyor from 1911. The map was produced to advertise lands on the...

Sorgente: Map of Bennett County, South Dakota, Compiled under the supervision of Charles Ash Bates, U.S. Surveyor

Non è stata ancora creata alcuna vista per questa risorsa.

Informazioni supplementari

Campo Valore
Data last updated Febbraio 8, 2021
Metadata last updated Febbraio 8, 2021
Creato Febbraio 8, 2021
Formato TileJSON
Licenza Creative Commons Attribution
createdpiù di 4 anni fa
package id6b62f9d5-d086-45f7-b496-ba05943fbea1
revision idb3405d28-0abb-475c-b91b-0acbacad41b6