ORDER NO. 3335 Reaffirmation of the Federal ...

URL: https://data.nativeland.info/dataset/099f0201-79a6-400f-b3df-a501f9dcac65/resource/7335f2d7-aad4-4c9b-bac0-e34acdd37d46/download/trust-responsibility-signed-so-3335.pdf

Issu de l'abstract du jeu de données

This order is issued by the United States Department of Interior pursuant to the U.S. Constitution, treaties, statutes, Executive Orders, and other Federal laws that form the foundation...

Source: ORDER NO. 3335 Reaffirmation of the Federal Trust Responsibility to Federally Recognized Indian Tribes and Individual Indian Beneficiaries

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Informations additionnelles

Champ Valeur
Dernière modification de la donnée 24 Février 2021
Dernière modification de la métadonnée 24 Février 2021
Créé le 24 Février 2021
Format application/pdf
Licence Other (Public Domain)
createdIl y a plus de 4 ans
last modifiedIl y a plus de 4 ans
on same domainTrue
package id099f0201-79a6-400f-b3df-a501f9dcac65
revision idfec5c355-b58b-47e4-9f21-0041a40b59e0
size116,1 kibi
url typeupload